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Microwave Sensor_Microwave sensor switch_Body sensors switch_PIR Motion Sensor Switch_Shenzhen Tris Intelligent&Technology Co.,Ltd. Microwave Sensor_Microwave sensor switch_Body sensors switch_PIR Motion Sensor Switch_Shenzhen Tris Intelligent&Technology Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Teng smart science and technology limited company is a professional research and development, production, sales of microwave modules and special body microwave detector for microwave applications,Microwave Sensor,Microwave sensor switch,Body sensors switch,PIR Motion Sensor Switch.

更新时间:2022-03-28 直链:www.sztris.com

Light-Catcher Opoto Electronics | Your Components Solutions Provider Light-Catcher Opoto Electronics | Your Components Solutions Provider


更新时间:2022-10-22 直链:www.light-catcher.com.cn

Chiplus Semiconductor Corp.SRAM, LDO, Low Dropout Regulator, LED Lighting, LED Plant Factory, Plant Factory, IC design house, LED driver ICs, Super Low Power SRAM, Pseudo SRAM, Fast Sram, LED Power Modules - Chiplus Semiconductor Corp, SRAM, LDO, Low Dropout Regulator, LED Lighting, LED Plant Factory, Plant Factory, IC design house, LED driver ICs, Super Low Power SRAM, Pseudo SRAM, Fast Sram, LED Power Modules Chiplus Semiconductor Corp.SRAM, LDO, Low Dropout Regulator, LED Lighting, LED Plant Factory, Plant Factory, IC design house, LED driver ICs, Super Low Power SRAM, Pseudo SRAM, Fast Sram, LED Power Modules - Chiplus Semiconductor Corp, SRAM, LDO, Low Dropout Regulator, LED Lighting, LED Plant Factory, Plant Factory, IC design house, LED driver ICs, Super Low Power SRAM, Pseudo SRAM, Fast Sram, LED Power Modules

ChiplusSemiconductorCorp.(Chiplusinshort)isatechnology-leadingICdesignhousethatisdevotedtothedesignanddevelopmentofgreenchips-HighSpeedSuperLowPowerSRAM&LEDdriverICs,andcommittedtoprovidethebestproducts,servicesandsolutionstoourglobalcustomers. Establishedin2002inHsin-Chu,Taiwan,Chiplusstartedthedesign,manufactureandmarketingofHighSpeedSuperLowPowerSRAMMemoryproductswithunsurpassedreliability.Wetakegreatprideinourproductshaveearnedthecertification&trustfromfamousmakersofindustrial/consuminginstrumentsintheJapan,EU,USAandPan-PacificAsiaareas. Tomeetandfulfillcustomerrequirementswithextensiveproductspecification,weareworkingcontinuouslytostrengthenourdesignandmanufacturingtechnologieswhilecreatingoutstandingproductsrequiredinaneweraandhighlevelelectronicapplications.Meanwhile,Chiplusisbuildingupagloballyinternationalcustomerserviceandlogisticnetworkthatassuressoonest&efficientserviceanddistribution.

更新时间:2022-10-21 直链:www.chiplus.com

[Index] MY-SEMI INC.--Best LED Driver Through MY-Semi. [Index] MY-SEMI INC.--Best LED Driver Through MY-Semi.


更新时间:2022-10-21 直链:www.my-semi.com.tw


ChangZhou CXSOUND Electronic Co.,Ltd,Now our featured products include auto horn, SMD horn and SMD buzzer, and auxiliary products include vehicle-mounted microphone and other series of augmented products. The application of products covers all fields, such as automobile, medical treatment, electron, communication, etc., which promotes social progress and technological development powerfully.

更新时间:2022-03-19 直链:www.cxsound.com

Database Management & Healthcare Information Systems | InterSystems China Database Management & Healthcare Information Systems | InterSystems China

Industry-leading vendor for database management, rapid application development & integration, and healthcare information systems - InterSystems China

更新时间:2022-02-23 直链:intersystems.cn

DIM | Lingerie Femme, Sous-vêtements Homme & Enfant DIM | Lingerie Femme, Sous-vêtements Homme & Enfant


更新时间:2022-09-18 直链:www.dim.fr

International School | Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong International School | Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong


更新时间:2022-09-02 直链:www.dulwich-shanghai.cn

Ultralight Photo Editor Ultralight Photo Editor

Redefiningthenotionof“simpleyetpowerful,”Ultralightisajoytouseandyieldsfantasticresults. Ultralightisfast,funandintuitivephotoeditingapplication.Itfitsforbothcasualandprophotoediting.

更新时间:2022-08-13 直链:www.ultralightapp.com

Adobe: Creative, marketing and document management solutions Adobe: Creative, marketing and document management solutions

Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. We help our customers create, deliver and optimize content and applications.

更新时间:2022-08-13 直链:www.adobe.com

Adobe: Creative, marketing and document management solutions Adobe: Creative, marketing and document management solutions

Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. We help our customers create, deliver and optimize content and applications.

更新时间:2022-08-13 直链:get.adobe.com

LeanCloud LeanCloud


更新时间:2022-10-22 直链:leancloud.cn

HUDWAY | ADAS & HUD solutions HUDWAY | ADAS & HUD solutions


更新时间:2022-10-22 直链:hudway.co

微鲤 微鲤


更新时间:2022-10-22 直链:www.zhwnl.cn

Scanner App - Scan to PDF on iPhone & Android - iScanner Scanner App - Scan to PDF on iPhone & Android - iScanner


更新时间:2022-08-13 直链:iscannerapp.com

Workday Enterprise Management Cloud  | Finance, HR, Planning, Spend Workday Enterprise Management Cloud | Finance, HR, Planning, Spend


更新时间:2022-10-22 直链:www.workday.com

Box — Secure Cloud Content Management, Workflow, and Collaboration Box — Secure Cloud Content Management, Workflow, and Collaboration


更新时间:2022-08-13 直链:www.box.com

Scene: Organize Your Photos, Share Your Memories Scene: Organize Your Photos, Share Your Memories


更新时间:2022-10-22 直链:www.scn.jp

DelightRoom Co., Ltd. - Alarmy DelightRoom Co., Ltd. - Alarmy

更新时间:2022-08-13 直链:alar.my

guopi (guopi) · GitHub guopi (guopi) · GitHub

developing tidyjs: A tidy Node.js framework for building server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript - guopi

更新时间:2022-08-13 直链:www.guopi.com


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